NASA Rally Sport Apps

GPS Server 1.1
NASA Rally Sport
This app needs your phone to have a workingGPS.This sends the location of your phone to another device overWiFi. It opens a listener on a configurable socket and once thereis a connection over the network, it sends the NMEA data strings tothat socket.To avoid confusion:• Does not fix a broken GPS on your phone• Does not allow you to use the GPS on some other device on yourphone• Is not a GPS monitor, speedometer, track logger, or mappingappYou could use this to track your phone, but only if youset up a VPN on your phone. This is entirely unsupported and unlessthe single sentence previously tells you everything you need toknow about how to do this, there really are better apps that aredesigned specifically for phone tracking.
Rally Race Timer 1.4
NASA Rally Sport
Who is the fastest rally driver? Timethemyourself! This app is for fans standing on the side of a liverallyracing stage! No need for connecting to the official scoresorsubscribing to a scoring service! Just tap the button wheneachrally car passes you and it will figure out who is going fasterbythat point on the stage.Works for WRC, IRC, ARC, CRS, and all other stagerallyraces.This app does ask for an internet connection permission so itcanopen a link to the rally schedule.
Big Bars for Driving 1.3
NASA Rally Sport
Very big display of the cell signal bars to use when on bumpyroads.
One Digit Clock 2.1
NASA Rally Sport
Show just one digit of the time. Use 4 or 6 phones to show thewhole time!
Rally.Notify 1.4
NASA Rally Sport
This notification system is for NASA Rally Sport events. Updates,reminders, and navigation/map links will be pushed down to you,right when you need them.
Digital Route Book 1.8
NASA Rally Sport
This is an route book, GPS odometer, and vehicle tracking app forNASA Rally Sport events. -Odometer automatically advances tocorrect tulip as you drive -Tulips are downloaded from official NRSdatabase for that rally -Countdown to next turn calculated for you-Voice output can speak the tulips -Vehicles are tracked fororganizers and public to view -Works with Bluetooth, so you canpair with your car audio or motorcycle helmet -Two odometer styles,one for organizers, the other for racers. -It's pretty cool -NASARally Sport loves you :)
Day Of The Year 1.0
NASA Rally Sport
There's not a lot of action you're going to pack into "whatnumberday is it this year?" There are many great calendar programsoutthere... and this does none of that. It only shows you onenumber:Today's day number, counting from January 1. No ads. But theday ofthe year? Yes, it does that. It requires the "internetusagepermission" for standard Google-provided crash info andtracking.
Rally Time Calculator 1.6
NASA Rally Sport
Track your rally racing stage and check in times
Rally Checkpoint Clock 4.12
NASA Rally Sport
Allows officials to time rally cars at arrival, start, and finishof stages.